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Nassar Poetry Prize Winner to Read at UC

Cleary's Collection Honored as Best in Upstate NY

Written By Marissa Filletti '18, PR Intern

Poet's book to be sold at the reading

Contact - cleogrande@utica.edu

Utica, NY (04/07/2015) - Suzanne Cleary, winner of the Eugene Paul Nassar Poetry Prize, will read from her book, “Beauty Mark,” at Utica College on Thursday, April 16. The reading is free and open to the public. It will take place in the Carbone Family Auditorium in the Economic Crime, Justice Studies and Cybersecurity building at 7:30 p.m. and a short reception will follow.

Cleary, author and professor of English at SUNY Rockland, won the John Ciardi Prize for Poetry for this collection in 2012. In addition to “Beauty Mark,” she is also the author of two other poetry books, “Keeping Time” and “Trick Pear.” In her newest collection, she pulls from subjects in popculture to depict meaning in larger concepts of human nature. “Beauty Mark” will be sold at the reading.

Cleary earned her bachelor’s degree from SUNY Oneonta. She went on to earn her master’s from Washington University, and her Ph.D. from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

The prize is named in honor of longtime and much loved Professor Emeritus of English and author Eugene Paul Nassar. Raised in Utica, Nassar taught at UC from 1964 until his retirement in 1999. He sat on many committees on campus, including Faculty Affairs and the Library Committee, in addition to organizing the Ethnic Heritage Studies Center at the college. Nassar also served on the liaison committee to help the college develop better relations with neighboring institutions.

“The Eugene Paul Nassar Poetry Prize is chosen to celebrate Upstate New York’s most outstanding poetic talent, and to honor Nassar’s success in his field and his love for Utica,” said Gary Leising, professor of English.

To be eligible for this prize, a work must be a book of poems in English, at least 48 pages long and must have been published between July 1, 2014, and June 30, 2015 by a resident of Upstate New York. All books entered in competition will be donated to the Utica College Library and the Utica Public Library. For more information of this event or on the Eugene Paul Nassar Poetry Prize, contact Leising at (315) 223-2381 or email gleisin@utica.edu.

About Utica College – Utica College, founded in 1946, is a comprehensive private institution offering bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees. The College, located in upstate central New York, approximately 90 miles west of Albany and 50 miles east of Syracuse, currently enrolls over 4,000 students in 36 undergraduate majors, 27 minors, 21 graduate programs and a number of pre-professional and special programs.

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