Research Companies
Public, Private, and Non-Profit Organizations
An important step in effective career planning is to conduct company research and become informed about the kinds of organizations that are out there. Comprehensive information is available on many public, private, and non-profit organizations. Collecting this information will be helpful in not only understanding those companies that reflect your career interests, but you may also find that your interests and options are more extensive than you think! To get you started with identifying companies that may serve as possible future internship sites or employers, use the links below. Also note that the use of social media to learn about and engage with companies is becoming increasingly popular (professional etiquette still applies) and even the library's databases (LexisNexis and others) can help with conducting company and market research.
Glassdoor is a free jobs and career community that offers an inside look at jobs and companies. Review salaries, company reviews, interview questions, and more – all posted by employees, job seekers, and sometimes the companies themselves. Now with nearly 3 million salaries and reviews, you have all the information you might need to make your next career decision.

Vault's Career Intelligence is a comprehensive career development tool that serves as an excellent starting place to research company and industry profiles, access advice articles, and even explore continuing education opportunities. Be sure to stop by The Center for Career and Professional Development and take a look at our collection of Vault guide books.

Buzzfile is the most comprehensive employers-by-major resource available to colleges and universities. Students can discover, research, and network with thousands of potential employers for 150+ majors.

GuideStar's directory of charities and non-profit organizations features information on 1.8 million organizations. Use this information as a springboard to get you started on learning even more about organizations of interest.

MyVisaJobs produces reports of the top 100 H1-B Visa sponsors, searchable by job title, city, state, and industry.