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UC to Host Reception for Educators

Certification, Graduate Degree Options Highlighted

Written By Christine Leogrande

UC offers many graduate options for teachers, including new programs of study for those wishing to become school building or school district leaders.

Contact - cleogrande@utica.edu

Utica, NY (01/09/2007) - Utica College’s Education Department will host a reception for those interested in learning about teacher certification and graduate degrees on Jan. 27 (Saturday) at 10 a.m. in the Library Concourse.

The reception will provide prospective students an opportunity to discuss various graduate and certificate programs with education faculty. Specific programs available are:
• master’s in childhood education certification (grades 1-6)
• master’s in adolescence teacher certification (grades 7-12)
• master’s in special education teacher certification (all grades)
• master’s in apprenticeship teacher certification (fast-track program for high-need content area teachers for grades 7-12; math, science, foreign language and technology)
• master’s in leadership and instruction for inclusive classrooms
• master’s in educational leadership and administration
• certificates of advanced study for school building leader (SBL) and school district leader (SDL)

Financial aid representatives and graduate admission counselors will be available to discuss applications for summer and fall terms.

For admissions information, contact John Rowe, director of graduate admissions, at 792-3010 or by email at jrowe@utica.edu.

About Utica College – Founded in 1946, Utica College is a comprehensive private institution that grants the Syracuse University baccalaureate degree and the Utica College master’s and doctoral degrees. The college, located in central New York, approximately 90 miles west of Albany and 50 miles east of Syracuse, currently enrolls an approximated 3,000 undergraduate and graduate students in 32 undergraduate majors, 24 minors, 13 master’s and two doctoral degree programs.

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Contact Us

Robert Halliday, Ph.D.

Robert Halliday, Ph.D.

Associate Provost
201B DePerno Hall
(315) 792-3122

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