Leadership Development >
Blended Leadership Programs
Project Case Study:
CP Mero Services
CP Metro Services is an 1800 employee Cerebral Palsy Association Affiliate located in NYC. The "I Make It Possible" campaign is a new initiative designed to revitalize the services of the agency in addressing new regulations, reduced funding, an aging constituent population, and demand for embraced coordinated services.
In 2011 the Leadership Institute was contracted to support the Leadership Development of the "I Make It Possible" campaign. The Leadership Institute and Utica College have expereince in high performing leadership processes, and the ability to efficiently and effectlively provide training through a blended learning approach.
A Leadership Institute team collaborated with the CP Metro Services Leadership Steering Committee to design a 7 leadership process model educational program consisting of the following components:
14 case studies related to the organization service
Content adaptable to range of staff including service leaders to Care Coordinators
Adaptaion of management survey analysis to program designer
Training of 40 facilitators and provision of tools and methods for 14 sessions
Creation of an online delivery system for trainee engagement and facilitator usage.
Management survey - 250 management
Program design and development
Facilitator training
Module 1-7 training of 50 managers
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Competency Assessment | Blended Leadership Programs | Behavior Change Modeling |