

Media Center Movies

English, Music, and Theatre

Any Format | VHS Only | DVD Only | 16mm

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Movie Title Length Format
1492: Portrait in Music 60 minutes VHS
Abduction of Figaro 144 minutes VHS
Acting in High Comedy 60 minutes VHS
Acting in Restoration Comedy VHS
Agamemnon 90 minutes VHS
Amadeus 158 minutes VHS
American Primitives: Edwin S. Porter Revisited 40 minutes VHS
American Tongues 56 minutes VHS
Antigone 120 minutes VHS
Antony and Cleopatra 161 minutes VHS
Appalachian Journey (Music) 60 minutes VHS
Art of the Western World 30 minutes each VHS
1. Classical Ideal  
2. A White Garment of Churches:Romanesque & Gothic  
3. Early Renaissance  
4. High Renaissance  
5. Realms of Light  
6. Age of Reason, Age of Passion  
7. A Fresh View-Impressionism & Post-Impres  
8. Into the Twentieth Century  
9. In Our Own Time  
Art Through the Ages: Leonardo: To Know How to See 55 minutes VHS
Arthur Miller: An Interview 95 minutes VHS
Aspects of Comedia Dell’Arte 14 minutes VHS
Barbarella 98 minutes VHS
Barefoot Gen 85 minutes VHS
Barn Burning 40 minutes VHS
Bartleby 28:00 VHS
Basic Book Repair 30 minutes VHS
Bat 85 minutes VHS
Beauty and the Beast (Cocteau) 93 minutes VHS
Beauvais Cathedral: Architecture of Transcendence 10:00 VHS
Becker Directs Beckett: A Trilogy 46 minutes VHS
Becoming American 58 minutes VHS
Beethoven: Story of the Symphony 90 minutes VHS
Beloved 172 minutes VHS
Beowulf and Old English Literature 38 minutes VHS
Berlioz: Story of the Symphony 90 minutes VHS
Bertolt Brecht 55 minutes VHS
Bible: A Literary Heritage 27 minutes VHS
Blonde Venus 94 minutes VHS
Blue Kite 138 minutes VHS
Boast of Kings VHS
Boccaccio:Tales from the Decameron 71 minutes VHS
Born Yesterday 103 minutes VHS
Brahms: Story of the Symphony 90 minutes VHS
Bunny VHS
Call Northside 777 111 minutes VHS
Camelot 50 minutes VHS
Camelot (w/Richard Harris/Venessa Redgrave) 180 minutes VHS
Carmen (Ballet) 99 minutes VHS
Carmen (Opera) 2 parts 109 minutes VHS
Chick Corea: Keyboard Workshop 60 minutes VHS
Chihuly 27:00 VHS
Christmas From St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin 56 minutes VHS
Clash of the Titans 118 minutes VHS
Comics: A Cultural History VHS
Pt. 1: Early Days: Where It is At 35 minutes  
Pt. 2: An Art Form: A Literary Form, Social Impact 50 minutes  
Communication: Learning a Language Pt. 3 22 minutes VHS
Communication: Non-Verbal Agenda 30 minutes VHS
Communications: Impact of Culture & Language Pt. 1: Social Impact 31 minutes VHS
Concern: Collective Bargaining VHS
Congreve's The Way of the World VHS
Copyright 40 minutes VHS
Crucible (VHS & DVD) 123 minutes VHS & DVD
Cultural Literacy & Interactive VHS
Cyrano de Bergerac (Parts 1 & 2) 176.00 VHS
Cyrano DeBergerac Pts. 1 & 2 176 minutes VHS
Dante: The Journey of Our Life 30 minutes VHS
Day on the Grand Canal with the Emperor of China 47:00 VHS
Death of a Salesman 135 minutes VHS
Discovering Hamlet 2 parts 53 minutes VHS
Do's and Don'ts of Drilling 30 minutes VHS
Doll's House w/Claire Bloom 96 minutes VHS
Doll's House w/Jane Fonda 99 minutes VHS
Doll's House w/Julie Harris 89 minutes VHS
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain 2 hours VHS
Earlier 20th Century 28 minutes VHS
Educating Rita 111 minutes VHS & DVD
Electronic Rock 47 minutes VHS
Elizabeth R (6 tapes) 90 minutes each VHS
Elizabeth: The Queen Who Shaped An Age 26 minutes VHS
Elvis '68 (Comeback Special) 76 minutes VHS
Etruscans 29 minutes VHS
Exploring a Character 51 minutes VHS
Fahrenheit 451 112:00 VHS
Farmer Takes a Wife 81 minutes VHS
Fidelio 125:00 VHS
Fire 104 minutes VHS
Foundations of Communications: Gender in Communications 30 minutes VHS
Fried Green Tomatoes 130 minutes VHS
Gathering of Men 90 minutes VHS
Glass Menagerie 134:00 VHS
Good Son 88 minutes VHS
Grand Isle 94:00 VHS
Grapes of Wrath 128 minutes VHS
Grapes of Wrath 51:00 VHS
Great Gatsby 146 minutes VHS
Great Speeches Volume 1 132 minutes VHS
Greek and Roman Legends 35 minutes VHS
Greek Epic 40 minutes VHS
Greeks Part 1: Greek Beginnings 52 minutes VHS
Greeks Part 3: Heroes and Men 52 minutes VHS
Hamlet (Branagh) VHS
Hamlet (L. Olivier) 155 minutes VHS
Hamlet (Mel Gibson) 135 minutes VHS
Hamlet (N. Williamson) 114 minutes VHS
Hedda (Gable) 103 minutes VHS
Henry Fool 137 minutes VHS
Henry IV VHS
Pt. 1 2 hrs. 56 minutes  
Pt. 2 2 hrs. 31 minutes  
Henry IV Part 1 (BBC Production) 147 minutes VHS
Henry V 116 minutes VHS
Henry V (English Theatre Co.) 2 hrs. 56 minutes VHS
Henry V (Kenneth Branagh) 138 minutes VHS
His Girl Friday 92 minutes VHS & DVD
Hoffung Festival Concert 59 minutes VHS
Hollywood on Trial 90 minutes VHS
Hollywood Screenwriters & Their Craft 90 minutes VHS
Homage to Verdi 56 minutes VHS
Hounds of the Baskervilles 80 minutes VHS
How Green Was My Valley 118 minutes VHS
How to Appreciate Poetry 44 minutes VHS
In a Brilliant Light: VanGogh in Arles 57 minutes VHS
Introduction of Reality in Foreign Language Learning 52 minutes VHS
Iphigenia VHS
Jane Eyre 116 minutes VHS
Jazz (Video Series) 90 minutes each VHS
Jekyll & Hyde (The Musical) 137:00 VHS
John Cage: I Have Nothing to Say, and I Am Saying It 56 minutes VHS
John Updike: 31:00 VHS
Joy Luck Club 135 minutes VHS
Julius Caesar 122 minutes VHS
Keats and His Nightengale: Blind Date 30 minutes VHS
King Lear (Olivier) 158 minutes VHS
King Lear (Scofield) 138 minutes VHS
King Singers: In Concert 27 minutes VHS
King Singers: The Kings Christmas 27 minutes VHS
Kirakow 70 minutes VHS
KPFA on the Air 56 minutes VHS
L'Enfant Et Les Sortileges (Ballet) 50 minutes VHS
L'Enfant Et Les Sortileges (Opera) 46 minutes VHS
La Clemenza di Tito 150:00 VHS
La Traviata 135 minutes VHS
Language & Character (Playing Shakespeare) 51 minutes VHS
Language & Meaning Series VHS
1. What Do We Mean By Meaning 30 minutes  
2. Cultural 28 minutes  
3. Labelling & Distortion 28 minutes  
4. Functions of Language: Social Dimension 28 minutes  
5. How Meanings Change 28 minutes  
6. Kinesics: Motion and Meaning 28 minutes  
7. Euphemisms: Telling It Like It Isn't 34 minutes  
8. Euphemisms: Social Elegance 28 minutes  
9. Nature of Language:Linguistic Perspective 29 minutes  
10. Proxemics: Distance and Meaning 28 minutes  
11. English Language: Racist & Sexist 28 minutes  
12. The Past in Our Words 28 minutes  
Language (The Mind and The Brain) VHS
Language at Work: Oral Teaching Techniques for the Foreign Language Classroom VHS
Language Instruction: Integrating Language & Literature at All Levels of Foreign Language Instruction VHS
Last of the Mohicans (1932) 231 minutes VHS
Last of the Mohicans (1992) 114 minutes VHS
Later 20th Century 28 minutes VHS
Libraries: Today's Issues, Tomorrow's Challenges 150 minutes VHS
Little Women (Winona Ryder) 1994 118 minutes VHS
London:1500 -1666 (Tudor & Stuart London) 20 minutes VHS
Long Day's Journey Into Night 178 minutes VHS
Looking for Richard 112:00 VHS
Lost City of the Aegean 28 minutes VHS
Louvre 53 minutes VHS
Macbeth (Finch) 139 minutes VHS
Macbeth (Ian McKellen & Judi Dench) 146:00 VHS
Macbeth (Jeremy Brett & Piper Laurie) 150:00 VHS
Macbeth (Orson Welles) 112:00 VHS
Marriage of Figaro 168 minutes VHS
Masters and Their Music: Franz Schubert 17 minutes VHS
Matisse 58 minutes VHS
Medea 90 minutes VHS
Medieval to Elizabethan Poetry 28:00 VHS
Melies 70 minutes VHS
Merlin of the Crystal Cave 159 minutes VHS
Messiah 145 minutes VHS
Metaphysical and Devotional Poetry 28 minutes VHS
Midsummer Night's Dream 165 minutes VHS
Mindwalk 110:00 VHS
Moby Dick 116 minutes VHS
Moliere: The Misanthrope 52 minutes VHS
Moll Flanders (2 tapes) 3 hrs. 40 minutes VHS
Monet: Legacy of Light 28 minutes VHS
Mother Wove the Morning (Play) 135 minutes VHS
Much Ado About Nothing 110 minutes VHS
Myth, History and Drama 26 minutes VHS
Ninotchka 108 minutes VHS
Nutcracker 120 minutes VHS
Odyssey 165 minutes VHS
Odyssey of Troy 50 minutes VHS
Oedipus Rex (VHS & DVD) 90 minutes VHS & DVD
Once at a Border, Stravinsky VHS
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 129 minutes VHS
Orchestra and Its Instruments 49 minutes VHS
Ozawa 60 minutes VHS
Passion and Coolness 52 minutes VHS
Peer Counseling VHS
Persuasive Speaking 60 minutes VHS
Piano Legends 63 minutes VHS
Piano, The 121 minutes VHS
Picasso and the Cubist Revolutions 30 minutes VHS
Picasso: War, Peace, & Love 51 minutes VHS
Place in the Sun 120 minutes VHS
Platoon 120 minutes VHS
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Joyce) 93 minutes VHS
Power of the Myth Series 60 minutes each VHS
1. Hero's Adventure  
2. Message of the Myth  
3. First Storytellers  
4. Sacrifice Bliss  
5. Love and the Goddess  
6. Masks of Eternity  
7. Dancing on the Edge of Road  
Power of the Word:Tragedy of King Richard II 172 minutes VHS
Pride and Prejudice (6 Vol. Set) 50 minutes each VHS
Prisoners of Silence (Frontline) 56 minutes VHS
Prologue of Chaucer 29 minutes VHS
Red Badge of Courage 70 minutes VHS
Remember the Titans 114:00 VHS & DVD
Renaissance Stage 30 minutes VHS
Repercussions VHS
Revolt of Mother 60:00 VHS
Richard II 145 minutes VHS
Richard III 155 minutes VHS
Rise of Greek Tragedy: Sophocles: Oedipus the King 45 minutes VHS
Rock and Roll: The Early Years 59 minutes VHS
Rock and Roll: The Sixties 39 minutes VHS
Romeo and Juliet 138 minutes VHS
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead 117 minutes VHS
School for Scandal 100 minutes VHS
Shakespeare (Survey of English Poetry) 28 minutes VHS
Shakespeare and the Globe 31 minutes VHS
Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Restored VHS
Shostakovich: Story of the Symphony 90 minutes VHS
Signs, Symbols, and Script: Origins of Written Communications and the Birth of the Alphabet 40 minutes VHS
Sixties: The Years That Shaped a Generation 120:00 VHS
Songs from the Heart of the Adirondacks 120:00 VHS
Steven Speilberg: A Close Encounter (Polish) TVP Krakow VHS
Strangers in Good Company 101 minutes VHS
Streetcar Named Desire 122 minutes VHS
Super Drumming 53 minutes VHS
Swingle Singers 26 minutes VHS
Sword in the Stone (Disney) 79 minutes VHS
Tales From the Decameron (See: Boccaccio) VHS
Tchaikovsky: Story of the Symphony 90 minutes VHS
Tempest 76 minutes VHS
Ten Commandments 219 minutes VHS
Text, Tape and Tutor 32 minutes VHS
That's Entertainment 129 minutes VHS
The Front 94 minutes VHS
Third Man 100 minutes VHS
Three Tenors in Concert 120 minutes VHS
Tom Jones 121 minutes VHS
Tosca 116:00 VHS
Toscanini: The Maestro 74 minutes VHS
Trojan Women 105 minutes VHS
Trumpet Kings 72 minutes VHS
Two Traditions 50 minutes VHS
Typical Tutorial Sessions 45 minutes VHS
Unlikely Friendship 43:00 VHS
Verdi's Requiem 112 minutes VHS
Voices and Visions VHS
1. Wallace Stevens  
2. Robert Frost  
3. Elizabeth Bishop  
4. William Carlos Williams  
5. Ezra Pound  
6. Sylvia Plath  
7. Walt Whitman  
8. T. S. Eliot  
9. Emily Dickinson  
10. Hart Crane  
11. Marianne Moore  
12. Robert Lowell  
13. Langston Hughes  
Volpone VHS
Waiting for Godot 137 minutes VHS
What Did the Student Learn 53 minutes VHS
Where There's A Will, There's An A (2 tapes) VHS
Working (Studs Turkel) 92 minutes VHS
World of Gestures 28 minutes VHS
Yeah, You Rite 28 minutes VHS
Yellow Wallpaper 76 minutes VHS

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