Tips for Using Banner Web

Tips for Using Banner Web

Tips for Using Banner Web

To log on for the first time:

If you have not logged in to Banner Web before, you will need a login ID and password. The login and password are the same as that used for your Utica E-mail and Engage course. If you do not know your Utica e-mail ID and password, go to:

Complete the form to set your password and then hit “Activate/Reset Account.” Then go to:

Enter your Utica ID and newly set password and you should be good to go.

To change your Password:

Go to and follow the instructions on the page.

Remember, access to your account on Banner is access to a LOT of personal and confidential information. Do not share your password with anyone, and don't leave it written down in a place where others can easily find it. If you think your password has been compromised, you should change it at once.

The first step for all of these tips is to be logged in to Banner Web and signed in to the secure area.

To enter grades:

Click on "Faculty Services." Click on "Mid Term Grades" or "Final Grades." Select the correct term and click on "submit." Select the course you want from the drop-down menu and click "submit." For each student, select the grade you want to enter from the drop-down menu under "Grade" When you have finished, click "submit.
  • For any Fs entered, you will need to enter Last Date of Attendance.
  • For any Incompletes entered, you will need to enter the extension date and alternate grade (if the student does not complete the course). Default values will display, but you can change those if you wish. Be sure to complete an Incomplete Contract and forward a copy to your Academic School for the student's file.
  • Mid-Term grades: MS = Midterm Satisfactory, MU = Midterm Unsatisfactory.

To see the grades you have just entered:

There are two options. If you are on the grade entry page, click "Return To Menu" in the top right hand corner and then click "Summary Class List." If you have to log into Banner, choose the correct semester, select “Summary Class List,” and select the class you want to see. You will see a list of all the students with their final grades.

To see your own class lists

Click on "Faculty and Advisors," and then on "Summary Class List."

To e-mail your entire class:

Select "Faculty and Advisors," and then on "Summary Class List." Select the appropriate class and you will see your class list and an icon at the bottom that lets you e-mail all the students in the class simultaneously.

In order to use the University's Google Mail service you will need to have Google Chrome or Firefox installed. In the
options menu in Firefox select the Applications tab, type 'mailto' in the search window and then select the Gmail icon shown below. Clicking on the Mail All button in Banner Web will place all the email addresses from Banner web right into the Bcc line of an email. The Bcc line is used to protect the privacy of students. For full instructions on how to email a class using Google Mail see the instructions from IITS.

To view a student's current schedule:

 (including a record of courses that have been dropped and added during the semester):
Select "Faculty and Advisors" then select "Student Information," then select "ID Selection." Select the term and student and then click on "Active Registrations." You will see the latest transactions regarding the student's schedule.

To see a list of all your advisees and to e-mail them:

Go to Faculty and Advisors, then Student Information, and the third from the bottom is "Advisee listing." You’ll see all your advisees and an icon at the bottom that lets you e-mail them all.

In order to use the University's Google Mail service you will need to have Google Chrome installed. For full instructions on how to email your advisees using Google Mail see the instructions from IITS.

To see your advisees' mid-semester grades:

Go to "Faculty Services," "Student Menu," and the "Advisee Listing." On the line of the student you wish to look at, click “View” under “Student Information.” At the bottom of the page that comes up, click “Active Registrations.”

To see the holds on an advisees:

Go to your list of advisees in Banner (go to Faculty Services, then Student Menu, and then Advisee Listing) and clicking on the "View" link in the "Holds" column.

To see a class list for a class you don't teach:

Click on "Faculty Services." Click on "CRN Selection." Select the correct term and hit "submit." At the bottom of the page, click on the link [Enter Section Identifier (CRN) Directly]. In the CRN box, type the course key number of the course you want. (The course key number is the four-digit number next to the course listing in the Banner class schedule for the appropriate semester) Hit the "submit" button which will take you to the longish Faculty Services menu. Click on either "Summary Class List" (which will give you a list of everyone in the class) or "Detail Class List" (which will give you the same list with additional demographic information.)

To see a student who is neither an advisee nor in your class:

Select the "Faculty and Advisors" menu, then the "Student Information" menu. Select "ID Selection," then the appropriate semester. When you get to the ID page, type in the student's surname and first name, make sure you haven’t selected advisee or student but rather “All” and then hit submit.

If it takes you back to an unhelpful page, try using the student’s surname and just their first initial, as sometimes they are not known to us by their legal names that Banner uses. You can even use no first name at all, and part of the surname. That will give you a drop down menu of names that meet your criteria.

If you still cannot find the student, you will need to enter the student by their 9-digit ID#.

To find all the writing intensive or diversity courses

Start at the class schedule page and select all the subject areas by selecting Accounting, scrolling down to World Literature and then shift-clicking that. That highlights everything, and then you can select courses by attribute.

To use the Degree Evaluation

Log in to the secure area of Banner Web. Identify the relevant student. In the Student Information menu select Degree Evaluation. Select Generate New Evaluation. Click the button next to the appropriate program and the click on Generate Request. Make sure that the button next to General requirements is selected and then click on Submit.

To see all the Gen Ed courses at a specific time

Go to class schedule, select the appropriate term. Select the first subject in the subject option box. Scroll down to the end and SHIFT click the last subject. This will select all subjects. Select the Gen Ed attribute desired in the Attributes option box or alt-click for more than one separated attribute. Select a start and end time. It is important to select an end time, otherwise the system will give you all the courses that start at, or later than, your selected start time. Click submit.

I would like to see logins and resources for:

For a general list of frequently used logins, you can also visit our logins page.