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CC Portal Home

Curriculum Portal

All Curriculum Committee forms are now located in the Curriculum Portal. The forms and the approval process are automated, providing ease of use and access to all faculty and staff. Forms are fill in with drop downs and free form text boxes, and also contain the option to attach additional supplemental materials that may be pertinent to the proposal, such as a feasibility report.

Curriculum Committee Forms
Use your UC login and password to log in to the forms. You will see three main sections:

  • Active Proposals - proposals currently in the approval process
  • Approved Proposals - proposals that have completed the approval process
  • Unsubmitted Proposals - proposals in draft that are not yet submitted

Clicking on the + or - to the right of each section will expand or collapse the list of forms in the section. Additionally, clicking on the title at the top of each column will sort the section in any particular order you choose, i.e. by proposer, by status, etc.

Access to the Curriculum Committee Portal

All faculty and staff (but not students) have access to the portal and can view all active, approved and unsubmitted proposals. Everyone other than the submitter has view rights only.

Presubmission Consultation

Proposers are encouraged to reach out to those who will be approving a proposal prior to submission. See the approval process for a list of approvers.

Who to Contact with Issues or Questions

If there are any questions or technical issues, please contact Academic Affairs at or (315) 792-3221.

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