America's Greatest Heart Run & Walk

America's Greatest Heart Run & Walk

Heart Weekend 2020

Join us for UC's twenty-third consecutive year as host of this exciting charitable event!


America's Greatest Heart Run and Walk 2020For the twenty-third consecutive year, Utica College will open its arms to the community for what has become arguably the most exciting charitable event in central New York -- America's Greatest Heart Run & Walk.

Join us as we welcome nearly 10,000 people putting their legs (and hearts) to work in the fight against heart disease and stroke. With the help of UC students, faculty, staff, alumni, friends, and neighbors, this event promises to be the most successful to date.

Anyone Can Participate

You don't have to be an athlete to participate in America's Greatest Heart Run & Walk. All you need is the willingness to make a difference in the lives of others. This is an enjoyable event for friends and family, a great bonding opportunity, and an ideal team-building exercise for fellow employees.

Choice Of Events

America's Greatest Heart Run & Walk features:
  • 30K run
  • 10-mile run
  • 5-mile run
  • 3-mile run
  • 3-mile walk

Whether you walk, run, or volunteer at one of the many stations located along the course, your involvement will help make America’s Greatest Heart Run & Walk 2019 an event to remember!

Team Captain

Marissa Finch

Honorary Team Captain 2020

Matt Miller


Sign up on Utica College's Team Page.


If you wish to participate as a volunteer, contact Marissa Finch at

America’s Greatest Heart Run & Walk is

  • a nationally recognized event
  • one of the largest run/walks of
    its kind in the country
  • a great opportunity to show your
    community spirit
  • a great time for one and all

Event Goals

The goal of the event is to raise awareness of heart disease and raise more than $1 million toward fighting this terrible disease that is America’s No. 1 killer.

For More Information

If you are a member of the UC community and wish to join Team UC, contact one of our Team Captains:

  • Marissa Finch, M.A.
    Assistant Director for Student Living
    (315) 792-3285
  • Elizabeth L. Ricci, A.A.S.
    Administrative Assistant III, Facilities Management
    (315) 792-3191
  • Elizabeth (Betsy) J. Caraco, B.A.
    Coordinator Circulation Services, Gannett Library
    (315) 792-3218
  • Ryan Clement
    Project Manager, Office of Student Life and Enrollment Management
    (315) 792-3035
  • Nicole D. Kieffer, B.S.
    Interim Head Coach, UC Women's Hockey
    (315) 223-2402
  • Samantha Miller
    2018 Honorary Captain for Team UC

Contact Us

Office of Marketing and Communications

Office of Marketing and Communications

(315) 792-3047

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