American Presidency Project Online archive of primary sources associated with American political history
Annals of Congress
- Official Congressional debates of the United States House of Representatives and Senate from 1789 to 1824
Brooklyn Daily Eagle Searchable archive of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle newspaper from 1841 to 1902.
California Digital Newspaper Collection
Archive Link
- Large repository of newspaper published in the State of California.
Colgate University Libraries Digital Collections
- Includes Colgate University's student newspaper; documents related to University's history; local and regional newspapers.
Columbia University Digital Archives
- The John Jay Papers; Corporate records of New York businesses; New York real estate brochure collection; Audio archives with transcriptions of famous New York city residents.
Congressional Globe
- Official Congressional debates of the United States House of Representatives and Senate from 1833-1873
Congressional Record Official Congressional debates of the United States House of Representatives and Senate from 1873-1875
Credo: Special Collections and University Archives (UMass, Amherst) Primary sources related to W.E.B. DuBois; photography of Anthropologist Joel M. Halpern.
Documenting the American South
- Primary sources related exclusively to the American South
Google Books
- Extensive digital archive of full books that are in the public domain. Most can be downloaded in either PDF or ePub formats.
Google News Archive
- Digital archive containing domestic and international newspapers.
Hamilton College Special Collections & Archives
Archive Link
- Includes Samuel Kirkland's and Elihu Root's Papers; Diaries, letters, and other primary sources (including photographs) of students who attended Hamilton College.
Historical Census Browser (University of Virginia)
- Searchable archive of the United States Census
Historical Newspapers Online (University of Pennsylvania)
- Alphabetical listing of newspapers available online.
House Divided Project
- Primary sources associated with Abraham Lincoln
Internet Archive
- Fully searchable online library including the full text of numerous primary and secondary sources (books, videos, audio recordings, etc.)
In Motion: The African American Migration Experience
- Primary sources and images from the Schomburg Institute. Archives include the Transatlantic Slave Trade; runaway slaves and runaway slave narratives; the Domestic Slave Trade; the Great Migration; and African immigration.
Library of Congress: American Memory
- Online archive of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress Newspaper Collection
- Online archive of digitized newspapers.
Making of America: Cornell University Online archive of books, nineteenth century popular magazines, the official Civil War records of the Union and Confederate armies and navies, etc.
Making of America: University of Michigan
- Online archive offering different primary sources than that which is available through Cornell's "Making of America" website. Most sources deal with nineteenth century America.
McClure's Magazine Archive (Hathi Trust Digital Library) A online archive offering several editions of McClure's magazine from the 1890s-1920s.
Mississippi State University Digital Collections
- Online archive of primary sources associated with Mississippi's state history
National Park Service: The Civil War
- Searchable database of soldiers and sailors who fought for the Union or the Confederacy during the Civil War.
New York State Archives
- Primary and secondary resources, including photographs, audio, and video, examining different aspects of New York State history.
New York Heritage Digital Collections Correspondance, directories, maps, newspapers, photographs, postcards, scrapbooks, and yearbooks pertaining to New York State.
New York History
Journal Link
- Full issues of the New York State Historical Society's journal, New York History (2010-Present).
- Note: You will be required to log in with your Utica College username and password.
New York Newspaper Archive (
- Extensive database of New York newspapers
New York Newspaper Project Detailed list of the location, call numbers, and other pertinent archival information for every newspaper previously or currently published in New York State.
New York State Historical Newspapers
- Online archive of newspapers for Oswego, Jefferson, Lewis, St. Lawrence, Franklin, Clinton, and Essex Counties
New York State Historical Association
- Digitized newspaper collections from throughout New York State
New York State Library Wide variety of primary sources, plus "how to guides" for conducting research on New York State history.
Register of Debates
- Official Congressional debates from the House of Representatives and the United States Senate, 1824-1837
The Frederick Douglass Project (University of Rochester) Primary sources related to Frederick Douglass
The Friend of Man Abolitionist Newspaper (Cornell University)
- Full run of The Friend of Man abolitionist newspaper
The Simms Initiative (Southern History): University of South Carolina
- Online archive of primary sources associated exclusively with the American South
The Special Collections & University Archive of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst Online archive of primary sources examining movements for social change, New England history and culture, and innovation and entrepreneurship
The Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the American Civil War (University of Virginia)
- Online archive of primary sources associated with Franklin County, Pennsylvania and Augusta County, Virgina
Utica College Center for Historical Research Digital History Project Digitized primary sources and historical artifacts associated with the Mohawk Valley
Vanishing History (Fordham University) Burial database of enslaved African Americans
Virginia Military Institute Archives Journals, letters, diaries and images from the Civil War