Office of Human Resources

Utica University recognizes employees for their hard work and dedication with awards presented in the spring of each year. With the formation of the Professional Staff Advisory Council (PSAC) in June 2014, a single category of award has been established: The Award for Excellence in Professional Service. This award shall be given to four PSAC members and announced at the Annual Recognition Ceremony.
View a complete listing of the PSAC award winners:
PSAC Award Winners
Each year, the Utica University Diversity Committee presents a Certificate of Recognition for "Excellence in Fostering a Diverse Campus Community." The certificate recognizes the dedicated individuals who work tirelessly to promote diversity at Utica University by fostering a welcoming and inclusive campus community through their lived philosophy, individual actions, and collaborative efforts.
The Utica University Diversity Committee has established two Certificates. One Certificate will be given to a University employee (faculty, staff, or auxiliary staff employee), and one Certificate will be given to a student (undergraduate, graduate, on-campus, or distance). To view the winners, please click on Diversity Award.
SCT Award Winners
The Secretarial, Clerical, Technical (SCT) Recognition award, dates back to 1986. Award winners are recognized for their attitude, conscientious/flexibility, reliability, and initiative. To be eligible for the SCT Award, an employee must have completed one year of service. Employees are nominated by their peers in the spring of each year and the winners are announced at the Annual Recognition Party. Winners receive a certificate and monetary gift.
Professional Staff Award Winners
Initiated in 2001, employees are recognized for their individual contribution to the professional services of Utica University, as well as their demonstrated creativity, initiative, and human relation skills. Employees are nominated by their peers in the spring of each year and the winners are announced at the Annual Recognition Party. Winners receive a certificate and monetary gift.
Virgil Crisafulli Distinguished Teaching Award
Instituted in 1974 through a gift from a friend of the University, the Crisafulli award is considered Utica University's finest tribute to a faculty member. Today, the Crisafulli Fund for the Faculty underwrites the award, which has been given to a number of faculty members, including Professor Crisafulli. To date, a total of 33 faculty members have received the prestigious award, which is presented at the commencement ceremony. Colleagues and students nominate faculty members for the award. A selection committee makes its choice on the basis of demonstrated teaching excellence over a period of at least five years.
Harold T. Clark Jr. Award for Distinguished Scholarship and Professional Accomplishment
Named for Harold "Tom" Clark, this award is given annually to a professor at Utica University who exemplies the highest traditions of scholarship. A 1965 graduate of Utica University, Tom Clark is a former member of the University's Foundation, and past chairman of the Utica University Board of Trustees. He endowed the fund for the purpose of recognizing and encouraging faculty creative accomplishments.
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