Double Dedications on Utica’s Homecoming Weekend

"Gifts of this magnitude are what make it possible for the University to accomplish things well beyond our usual resources and enhance the student experience at Utica..."
Members of the Utica University community celebrated two generous donors on September 30, with dedication ceremonies celebrating the newly renamed Lotis Howland Track and the John A. Donohue Sr. ’57 and Valerie F. Donohue Concourse

Located within the Todd and Jen Hutton Sports and Recreation Center, the eight-lane track was dedicated in honor of the late Lotis B. Howland, whose $2.35 million bequest in 2019 has helped support various campus projects and initiatives. At the ceremony, President Casamento lauded Howland’s “spirit of philanthropy … Gifts of this magnitude are what make it possible for the University to accomplish things well beyond our usual resources and enhance the student experience at Utica – something we are forever grateful for.”

Also on September 30, the Library Concourse was officially renamed John A. Donohue Sr. ’57 and Valerie F. Donohue Concourse. In her remarks, President Casamento recognized John Donahue, an alumnus, former Foundation Board member and University trustee, for his long history of philanthropy and service to the University. “John and Valerie have given generously to Utica University over the decades and are counted among this institution’s most committed philanthropic supporters. Their legacy is evident all across this campus. That is why it is so fitting that we should dedicate this very well-regarded community space in honor of John and Valerie.”
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