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Nearly 700 Students Earn Degrees, Including First Doctors of PT

Space "Pioneer" Eileen Collins Delivers Keynote

Written By Amanda Damiano, PR Intern

Forty-eight students were the first in UC history to earn the doctor of physical therapy degree.

Contact - cleogrande@utica.edu

Utica, NY (05/13/2007) - For the first time in Utica College’s history, doctor of physical therapy degrees were awarded today to students completing the degree requirements. A total of 48 students received doctoral degrees in the doctor of physical therapy and transitional doctor of physical therapy programs. In addition, 634 UC students earned master’s and bachelor’s degrees at the college’s 58th commencement ceremonies.

Astronaut and retired Air Force Col. Eileen Collins was keynote speaker at the ceremony, which took place at the Utica Memorial Auditorium.

Collins commanded the space flight of STS-93 Columbia in 1999. She piloted four space flights, two of which she commanded, before retiring from NASA in 2006. Collins spent more than 20 years in the Air Force before she was selected for the astronaut program. While in the military, she was an aircraft commander, instructor pilot, and assistant professor. She retired from the Air Force in 2005.

Collin’s speech concluded the Utica College yearlong campus theme “Science and Society,” an examination of the many roles of modern science and technology in today’s world. In addition, she received a doctor of science degree from the college. The honorary degree was presented by Lawrence Aaronson, dean of the division of arts and sciences and professor of biology at Utica College.

About Utica College – Founded in 1946, Utica College is a comprehensive private institution that grants the Syracuse University baccalaureate degree and the Utica College master’s and doctoral degrees. The College, located in central New York, approximately 90 miles west of Albany and 50 miles east of Syracuse, currently enrolls nearly 3,000 undergraduate and graduate students in 32 undergraduate majors, 24 minors, 13 master’s and two doctoral degree programs.

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Robert Halliday, Ph.D.

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(315) 792-3122

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