The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica University - Ethics & Public Policy Newsletter - January 2018

The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica University - Ethics & Public Policy Newsletter - January 2018

Ethics & Public Policy Newsletter

Issue 16, January 2018

The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica College

  1. Introduction
  2. Upcoming Events at the Applied Ethics Institute at Utica College
  3. Upcoming Conferences
  4. Recent or Forthcoming Publications
  5. Journal Special Issues & Calls for Papers
  6. Fellowships and Courses


The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica College organizes an annual colloquium series, policy working groups, and conferences, under the direction of Christopher A. Riddle.

The Institute also produces a newsletter that is distributed thrice-annually, updating readers on recent developments in the field, of which this is the 16th issue.  The newsletter contains information about upcoming conferences, recent publications, calls for papers, and related fellowships. We hope that the newsletter will be of interest to anyone working in the field, whether in academia, the broader community, public service, or various non-governmental organizations. 

If you would like to be added to the mailing list for this newsletter, simply send an e-mail to with "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" as the subject, respectively.

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The following colloquium will take place this spring at The Applied Ethics Institute:

April 5 2018 - Michael Kocsis, Queen's University
"What should a U.S. President do about Humanitarian Military Intervention?"

At 6:00 pm on Thursday, April 5, 2018, Professor Michael Kocsis will give a public lecture titled "What should a U.S. President do about Humanitarian Military Intervention?". The talk will be hosted hosted in Carbone Auditorium on Utica College's campus at 1600 Burrstone Rd., Utica, NY.

Professor Kocsis investigates the considerations that should guide U.S. Presidents in circumstances where the rights of foreign citizens are threatened by their own government. Such conflicts, which normally fall under the heading of what experts call “humanitarian military interventions”, are controversial and unpopular in American political discourse. But it is undeniable that humanitarian intervention has become a featured constituent of U.S. foreign policy as far back as Presidents Kennedy and Eisenhower. And there is no indication that intervention will fall off the agenda of U.S. Presidents in the decades ahead. He examines the principles he believes should shape judgments by U.S. Presidents when humanitarian intervention is called for. Before doing so he will acknowledge that the question is difficult to answer decisively; not all Presidents locate universal human rights at the center of their foreign policy doctrines, and even if when they do give priority of place to protecting human rights, he acknowledges that a President’s role can be sharply constrained by the common challenges and fluctuations of national politics.

Professor Kocsis believes nevertheless that it is feasible to work out basically distinct principles. For starters, the individual who sits in the Oval Office, despite the outlook they may hold personally, is required to set aside certain points of view held by American citizens and to endorse others. The U.S. President is compelled by the political position they hold to set aside at least the comprehensive associations of the ideology of pacifism. Similarly, they ought necessarily to reject the militarism and armed aggression as policy options. He argues in this presentation that the stance U.S. Presidents should endorse is that it is justified at least some instances to send armed forces into a foreign country to save that country’s civilians from violent repression or from slaughter. He acknowledges that the line between a justified intervention and a tyrannical crusade is inherently difficult to draw. Still, by attempting to draw it we make modest progress toward developing defensible principles of judgment rooted in universal values.

What should a U.S. President do about humanitarian military intervention? Professor Kocsis hopes to convince the audience of three simple points: (1) The American President has been at the forefront of “just intervention” since at least 1945. (2) History has proven that it is exceptionally difficult to institute a free and democratic society in countries where no such tradition exists already. (3) The role played by “nations” in cases of just intervention is both puzzling and powerful. It is difficult to lay down decisive principles which should be followed strictly by a U.S. President when cases like these arise. He will argue that his three assertions are the minimal benchmarks.


Event: Our Species And Its Responsibilities. An Ontology For The Environmental Crisis
Host: University of Turin
Speakers: Tiziana Andina (University of Turin), Dirk Maes (Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO), Brussels), Virginie Maris (CEFE/CNRS, Montpellier), Markku Oksanen (University of Eastern Finland), Jan Sprender (University of Turin)
Date: 1-2 February, 2018

Event: ASU Graduate Philosophy Conference 2018
Host: School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, Arizona State University
Speaker: John Doris (Washington University in St. Louis)
Date: 2-3 February, 2018

Event: Mississippi Philosophical Association
Host: Mississippi State University, Department of Philosophy and Religion
Speaker: Valerie Tiberius (University of Minnesota)
Date: 9-10 February, 2018

Event: Science, Values and The Public
Host: Department of Philosophy, University of Michigan
Speakers: Heather Douglas (University of Waterloo), Dan M. Kahan (Yale University), Elisabeth Lloyd (Indiana University, Bloomington), Quayshawn Spencer (University of Pennsylvania)
Date: 9-10 February, 2018

Event: 2018 Princeton Workshop in Social Philosophy
Host: Department of Philosophy, Princeton University
Date: 17-18 February, 2018

Event: Philosophy and Humanities TwinStar Conference on Global Values
Host: Philosophy and Humanities Dept. , Lone Star College-CyFair and Lamar University
Date: 17 February, 2018
Speaker: Tamler Sommers (University of Houston)

Event: 2018 Carol Carfang Nursing & Healthcare Ethics Conference
Host: School of Nursing, Duquesne University
Date: February 28, 2018 - March 2, 2018
Speakers: Amy Haddad (Creighton University), Bonnie LeRoy (University of Minnesota), Alex John London (Carnegie Mellon University), Robert Veatch (Kennedy Institute of Ethics)

Event: The Value of Sentience: Empathy, Vulnerability and Recognition. A Conference on Animal Ethics
Host: UCD Centre for Ethics in Public Life
Date: 7-9 March, 2018
Speakers: Elisa Aaltola (unaffiliated), Ben Bramble (Trinity College, Dublin), Alice Crary (The New School), Lori Gruen (Wesleyan University), Angela K. Martin (University of Fribourg), Eduardo Mendieta (Pennsylvania State University), Tony Milligan (University of Hertfordshire), Clare Alexandra Palmer (Texas A&M University) Danielle Petherbridge (University College Dublin)

Event: Third Annual Conference of The Mudd Journal of Ethics
Host: Roger Mudd Center for Ethics, Washington and Lee University
Date: 10-11 March, 2018

Event: Societal Implications: Applying Academic Philosophy Outside of the Academy
Host: Department of Philosophy, Boston University
Date: 16-18 March, 2018
Speakers: Kieran Setiya (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Lynne Tirrell (University of Connecticut)

Event: Justice Across Borders: The First Annual PGSA@UT Graduate Conference
Host: Philosophy Graduate Student Association, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Date: 24-25 March, 2018
Speaker: Michael Blake
University of Washington

Event: Dimensions of Vulnerability
Host: Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
Date: 5-6 April, 2018

Event: Annual Southeast Conference of Applied Philosophy- Philosophy in Urgent Times
Host: Philosophical Union, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Date: 7 April, 2018
Speaker: Lindsay Stewart (University of Memphis)

Event: Ethical Risk Management: Theory and Practice
Host: Department of Philosophy, Texas A&M University
Date: 9 April, 2018
Speaker: Neelke Doorn (Delft University of Technology) Sven-Ove Hansson (Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)), Todd Henderson (Chicago School of Law), David B. Resnik (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences), (Daniel Steel)
University of British Columbia

Event: Bioethics & Applied Philosophy: York University Graduate Student Philosophy Conference
Host: Department of Philosophy, York University
Date:12-13 April, 2018
Speakers: S. Matthew Liao (New York University), Regina Rini (York University)

Event: Age and Longevity in the 21st Century: Science, Policy, and Ethics
Host: Global Bioethics Initiative
Date:13-15 April, 2018

Event: Methods in Applied Ethics
Host: Programme for Applied Ethics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU
Date: 19-20 April, 2018
Speakers: Helga Varden (University of Illinois), Jonathan Wolff (Oxford University )

Event: Nordic Society for Phenomenology Annual Conference: Phenomenology of Solidarity - Community, Practice and Politics
Host: University of Gdańsk & European Solidarity Centre
Date: 19-21 April, 2018
Speakers: Natalia Artemenko (St. Petersburg State University), Michael Gubser (James Madison University), Sophie Loidolt (University of Kassel), Søren Overgaard (University of Copenhagen), Joona Taipale (University of Jyväskylä), Charlotta Weigelt (Södertörn University), Dan Zahavi (University of Copenhagen), Nicolas de Warren (KU Leuven)

Event: 2nd Biennial Conference on the Philosophy of Disability
Host: Department of Philosophy, UNC Asheville
Date: 20 April, 2018
Speakers: Richard Cross (University of Notre Dame), Adam Cureton (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Kim Q. Hall (Appalachian State University), Heidi Kelley (University of North Carolina, Asheville), Eva Feder Kittay (Stonybrook University), Ann Millett-Gallant (UNC Greensboro)
Information: Contact Prof. Scott M. Williams, for questions.

Event: Disability in Latin Medieval Philosophy and Theology
Host: Department of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame
Date: 26-28 April, 2018
Speakers: Richard Cross (University of Notre Dame), Gloria Frost (University of St. Thomas, Minnesota), Miguel Romero (Salve Regina University), John Slotemaker (Fairfield University), Mark K. Spencer (University of St. Thomas, Minnesota), Kevin Timpe (Calvin College), Christina Van Dyke (Calvin College), Thomas M. Ward (Loyola Marymount University), Scott M. Williams (University of North Carolina, Asheville) Information:

Event: Grappling with the Futures: Insights from Philosophy, History, and Science, Technology and Society
Host: Department of History of Science (Harvard); Department of Philosophy (Boston University), Harvard University and Boston University
Date: 29-30 April, 2018

Event: La métaéthique et ses implications normatives
Host: Department of Philosophy, University of Montreal
Date: 2-4 May, 2018

Event: Conference: Ethics of Military Medical Innovation, Experimentation, and Enhancement
Host: ICMM Center of Reference for Education of IHL and Ethics
Date: 3-5 May, 2018

Event: 8th Annual Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology Conference 2018
Host: Center for Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology, University of Texas at Dallas
Date: 17-20 May, 2018
Speaker: Alison Wylie (University of British Columbia)

Event: Philosophy of Biology at the Mountains (POBAM)
Host: Department of Philosophy, University of Utah
Date: 17-18 May, 2018

Event: Eye of the Storm: Climate Ethics in the Age of Inaction
Host: Program on Values, Department of Philosophy, University of Washington
Date: 18-19 May, 2018
Speakers: Nancy Tuana (Pennsylvania State University)

Event: Conference on Freedom and Autonomy
Host: Department of Philosophy, Birkbeck College, University of London
Date: 24-25 May, 2018
Speakers: John Christman (Pennsylvania State University)

Event: 2018 Meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Practical Ethics (CSSPE)
University of Regina
Host: University of Regina
Date: 26-28 May, 2018
Information: and

Event: A Post-Liberal World?
Host: Centre for the Study of Global Ethics , University of Birmingham
Date: May 31-June 1, 2018
Speakers: Ryoa Chung (Université de Montréal), Alison Jaggar (University of Birmingham), Jason Stanley (Yale University), Jo Wolff (University College London)

Event: Injustice, Resistance, and Progress
Host: Department of Government, London School of Economics
Date: 4-5 June,2018
Speakers: Simon Caney (University of Warwick), Emanuela Ceva (University of Pavia), Derrick Darby (University of Michigan), Candice Delmas (Northeastern University), Clarissa Hayward (Washington University in St. Louis)

Event: Bern-Zurich Workshop in Moral Theory
Host: Department of Philosophy, University of Bern
Date: 7-8 June, 2018
Speaker: R. Jay Wallace (University of California, Berkeley)

Event: Professionals in Food Chains: Ethics, Roles and Responsibilities
Host: Unit of Ethics and Human-Animal Studies, Messerli Research Institute, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
Date: 13-16 June, 2018

Event: Phenomenology of Medicine and Bioethics
Host: Studies in Theory of Practical Knowledge, Södertörn University Stockholm
Date: 13-15 June, 2018
Speakers: Ignaas Devisch (University of Ghent), Michael Hauskeller (University of Exeter), Erik Parens (The Hasting Center), Jenny Slatman (University of Maastricht), Kristin Zeiler (Linköping University, Sweden)

Event: A World United: Allies in Ethical Development
Host: GRETHA - Groupe de Recherche en Économie Théorique & Appliquée, IDEA - International Development Ethics Association, University of Bordeaux
Date: 25-27 June, 2018

Event: 14th International Conference on Deontic Logic and Normative Systems
Host: Utrecht University
Date: 3-6 July, 2018

Event: Which Property? Whose Capital? Property-Owning Democracy and the Socialist Alternative
Host: 9th Braga Summer School in Political Philosophy & Public Policy
Center for Ethics, Politics, and Society , University of Minho, Portugal
Braga Summer Schools in Political Philosophy & Public Policy
Date: 3-5 July, 2018
Speakers: William A. Edmundson (Georgia State University), Alan Thomas (University of York)

Event: Mind, Medicine & Morals: The ethics of psychiatry and mental health care
Anscombe Bioethics Centre
Host: St. Anne’s College
Date: 5-7 July, 2018
Speakers: Patricia Casey (University College Dublin), Paul Farmer (Mind), Jonathan Herring (University of Oxford), Sheila Hollins (Royal College of Psychiatrists), David Albert Jones (Anscombe Bioethics Centre), Mark Komrad (American Psychological Association), Willem Lemmens (University of Antwerp), Julia Sinclair (University of Southampton), Illina Singh (University of Oxford), Trevor Stammers (St Mary's University College, Twickenham)

Event: Building as Service: People, Politics, & Governance (The 5th Biennial Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Architecture)
Host: International Society for the Philosophy of Architecture
Date: 25-28 July, 2018

Event: HIPPOCRATES AND HIS MEDICAL SCHOOL, XXVIIth International Conference of the OCPC
Host: Olympic Center for Philosophy and Culture
Date: 29-31 July, 2018

Event: 3rd Biennial Conference, International Association for the Philosophy of Death and Dying
Host: Uppsala University (Sweden)
Date: 8-10 August, 2018
Speakers: Sophie Grace Chappell (Open University (UK)), Eric Olson (University of Sheffield)

Event: AMINTAPHIL 2018 -- Democracy, Populism, and Truth
Host: Boston University
Date: 16-19 August, 2018

Event: Mancept Workshops in Political Theory
Host: University of Manchester, University of Manchester
Date: 10-12 September, 2018

Event: The Value of Health. New Trends in Public Health and Health Equity Research
Host: Department for the Study of Culture, University of Southern Denmark
Date: 4-5 October, 2018
Speakers: Daniel Hausman (University of Wisconsin, Madison)



Abney, Keith, Jenkins, Ryan, and Lin, Patrick (October 3rd, 2018). “Robot Ethics 2.0” (Oxford University Press). $39.99

Ahmed, Serge and Pickard, Hanna (May 25th, 2018). “The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Science of Addiction” (Routledge). $220.00

Anderson, Luvell, Alcoff, Linda, and Taylor, Paul (December 12th, 2017). “The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Race” (Routledge). $220.00

Arbour, Benjamin (My 1st, 2018). “Philosophical Essays Against Open Theism” (Routledge). Price not yet listed

Arras, John, Fenton, Elizabeth, and Kukla, Rebecca (January 12th, 2018). “The Routledge Companion to Bioethics” (Routledge). $49.95

Barnhill, Anne, Budulfsonm, Mark, and Dogget, Tyler (February 5th, 2018). “The Oxford Handbook of Food and Ethics” (Oxford University Press) $150.00

Bowman, James and West, Jonathan (June 7th, 2018). “Public Service Ethics: Individual and Institutional Responsibilities, 2nd Edition” (Routledge). $69.95

Boydell, Victoria and Dow, Katharine (February 12th, 2018). “Nature and Ethics Across Geographical, Rhetorical and Human Borders” (Routledge). $140.00

Bradford, Ben and Morrell Kevin (April 1st, 2018). “Policing and Public Management: Governance, Vices and Virtues” (Routledge). Price not yet listed

Buchanan, Allen (June 2nd, 2018). “Institutionalizing the Just War” (Oxford University Press). $74.00

Burg, Ryan (December, 2017). “Business Ethics for a Material World” (Cambridge University Press). $88.00

Byskov, Morten (May 4th, 2018). “The Capability Approach in Development Ethics: A Democratic Framework for Setting Development Agendas” (Routledge). $140.00

Camporesi, Silvia and McNamee, Mike (May 9th, 2018). “Bioethics, Genetics and Sport” (Routledge). $39.95

Carey, Timothy (December 4th, 2017). “Patient-Perspective Care: A New Paradigm for Health Systems and Services” (Routledge). $33.95

Carr, David (January 19th, 2018). “Cultivating Moral Character and Virtue in Professional Practice” (Routledge) $140.00

Caton, Kellee, Cooke, Lisa, and Grimwood, Bryan (April 25th, 2018). “New Moral Natures in Tourism” (Routledge). $150.00

Clarke, Angus, Dondorp, Wybo, and Schmitz, Dagmar (May 14th, 2018). “The Fetus as a Patient: A Contested Concept and its Normative Implications” (Routledge). $140.00

Coady, C. A. J., Dobos, Ned, and Sanyal, Sagar (June 24th, 2018). “Challenges for Humanitarian Intervention” (Oxford Universijty Press). $60.00

Cooper, David (March 20th, 2018). “Animals and Misanthropy” (Routledge). $19.95

Crane, Jonathan (December, 2017). “Eating Ethically” (Columbia University Press). $35.00

Damiano, Luisa and Dumouchel, Paul (November, 2018). “Living with Robots” (Harvard University Press). $29.95
Dannenbaum, Tom (May, 2018). “The Crime of Aggression, Humanity, and the Soldier” (Cambridge University Press). $34.99

de Melo-Martin, Inmaculada, and Intemann, Kristen (July 2nd, 2018). “The Fight Against Doubt” (Oxford University Press). $39.95

Di Paola, Marcello, Kallhoff, Angela, and Schörgenhumer, Maria (June 30th, 2018). “Plant Ethics: Concepts and Applications” (Routledge). Price not yet listed

Downs, Donald and Suprenant, Chris (Mat 4th, 2018). “The Value and Limits of Academic Speech: Philosophical, Political, and Legal Perspectives” (Routledge). $140.00

Earnshaw, Owen (November, 2018). “Psychosis, Refusal and Autonomy: A Phenomenological Study of Mental Health Detention” (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers). $135.00

Egonsson, Dan, Josefsson, Jonas, and Rønnow-Rasmussen, Toni (January 31st, 2018). “Exploring Practical Philosophy: From Action to Values” (Routledge). Price not yet listed

Ekman, Tom and Mason, Mary Ann (April 4th, 2017). “Babies of Technology: Reproduction and the Rights of the Child” (Yale University Press). $30.00

Etieyibo, Edwin and Omiegbe, Odirin (September, 2017) “Disabilities in Nigeria: Attitudes, Reactions, and Remediation” (Hamilton Books). $65.00

Etinson, Adam (April 15th, 2018). “Human Rights: Moral or Political?” (Oxford University Press). $80.00

Ezekiel, Emanuel, Schmidt, Harald, and Steinmetz, Andrew (February 27th, 2018). “Rationing and Resource Allocation in Healthcare” (Oxford University Press). $99.00

Feiler, Therese, Hordern, Joshua, and Papanikitas, Andrew (January 25th, 2018). “Marketisation, Ethics and Healthcare: Policy, Practice and Moral Formation” $140.0

Ferraro, Ignacio, Guitián, Gregorio, and Sison, Alejo José (April 3rd, 2018). “Business Ethics: A Virtue Ethics and Common Good Approach” (Routledge). $41.95

Fiala, Andrew (February 2nd, 2018). “The Routledge Handbook of Pacifism and Nonviolence” (Routledge). $220.00

Figueroa, Robert (June 15th, 2018). “Environmental Justice as Environmental Ethics: A New Introduction” (Routledge). Price not yet listed

Franks, Benjamin, Hanscomb, Stuart, and Johnston, Sean (December 12th, 2017). “Environmental Ethics and Behavioural Change” (Routledge). $43.95

Garwood-Gowers, Austen (May 14th, 2018). “Respect: A necessary constraint on use of human beings in Medicine” (Routledge). Price not yet listed

Gilbert, Margaret (May 26th, 2018). “Rights and Demands” (Oxford University Press). $50.00

Greer, Sandra (October, 2017). “Elements of Ethics for Physical Scientists” (MIT Press). $50.00

Grill, Kalle and Hanna, Jason (January 24th, 2018). “The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Paternalism” (Routledge) $220.00

Halliday, Daniel (March 15th, 2018). “Inheritance and Wealth” (Oxford University Press). $40.00

Hauskeller, Christine, Manzeschke, Arne, and Pickl, Anja (April 30th, 2018). “The Matrix of Stem Cell Research Revisited” (Routledge). Price not yet listed

Heath, Eugene, Kaldis, Byron, and Marcoux, Alexei (February, 2018). “The Routledge Companion to Business Ethics” (Routledge). $220.00

Heinze, Eric and Steele, Brent (June 28th, 2018). “Routledge Handbook of Ethics and International Relations” (Routledge). $220.00

Holland, Ian (February 2nd, 2018). “Motivating Ministers to Morality” (Routledge). $40.00

Hosein, Adam (July, 15th, 2017). “The Ethics of Immigration: An Introduction” (Routledge). Price not yet listed

Jacobsen, Stefan (May, 18th, 2018). “Climate Justice and the Economy: Social mobilization, knowledge and the political” (Routledge). $140.00

Jamieson, Dale (September 1st, 2018) “Reason in a Dark Time” (Oxford University Press). $24.95

Kasperbauer, T.J. (January 2nd, 2018). “Subhuman” (Oxford University Press). $35.00

Keenan, James (October, 2017). “University Ethics: How Colleges Can Build and Benefit from a Culture of Ethics” (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers). $26.00

Kelly, Elaine (April 15th, 2018). “Dwelling in the Age of Climate Change” (Oxford University Press). $110.00

Keogh, Gary (October, 2018). “The Ethics of Nature and the Nature of Ethics” (Lexington Books). $90

Kline, Carol (February 12th, 2018). “Animals, Food, and Tourism” (Routledge). $150.00

Kline, Carol (January 25th, 2018). “Tourism Experiences and Animal Consumption: Contested Values, Morality and Ethics” (Routledge). $150.00

Korsgaard, Christine (August 5th, 2018). “Fellow Creatures” (Oxford University Press). $25.00

Leach, Mark and Welfel Elizabeth (March, 2018). “The Cambridge Handbook of Applied Psychological Ethics” (Cambridge University Press). $99.99

Loughead, Tanya (September, 2017). “Critical University: Moving Higher Education Forward” (Lexington Books). $37.99

Manninen, Bertha and Mulder, Jack, Jr. “Civil Dialogue on Abortion” (Routledge). $39.99

Manyukhina, Yana (June 21st, 2018). “Ethical Consumption: Practices and Identities A Realist Approach” (Routledge). $149.95

Marino, Patricia (July 15th, 2018) “Philosophy of Sex and Love: An Opinionated Introduction” (Routledge). Price not yet listed

Mayes, Christopher (October, 2018). “Unsettling Food Politics: Agriculture, Dispossession and Sovereignty in Australia” (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers). $120.00

McClimans, Leah (October, 2017). “Measurement in Medicine: Philosophical Essays on Assessment and Evaluation” (Hamilton Books). $39.95

McCulloiugh, Lawrence (April, 2018). “Historical Dictionary of Medical Ethics” (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers). $95.00

Miller, Seumas (February, 2018). “Institutional Corruption” (Cambridge University Press). Price not yet set

Milum, Joseph (January 2nd, 2018). “The Moral Foundations of Parenthood” (Oxford University Press). $65.00

Moseley, Alexander and Norman, Richard (December 8th, 2017). “Human Rights and Military Intervention” (Routledge) $130.00

Moss, Jeremy (April, 2018). “Climate Change and Justice” (Cambridge University Press). $29.99

Moyn, Samuel (April, 2018). “Not Enough” (Harvard University Press). $29.95

Muders, Sebastian (20 October, 2018). “Human Dignity and Assisted Death” (Oxford University Press). $65.00

Müller, Andreas and Schaber, Peter (May 10th, 2018). “The Routledge Handbook of the Ethics of Consent” (Routledge). $220.00

Napier, Steven (February 1st, 2018). “Uncertain Bioethics: Human Dignity and Moral Risk” (Routledge). Price not yet listed

Neu, Michael (November, 2017). “Just Liberal Violence: Sweatshops, Torture, War” (Rowman & Littlefield International). $32.95

Olsaretti, Serena (July 1st, 2018). “The Oxford Handbook of Distributive Justice” (Oxford University Press). $150.00

Parker, Wendy (June 15th, 2018). “Understanding Climate Change: Science, Ethics, and Policy” (Routledge). Price not yet listed

Pfeffer, Naomi (September 12th, 2018). “Insider Trading: How Mortuaries, Medicine and Money Have Built a Global Market in Human Cadaver Parts” (Yale University Press). $30.00

Pölzler, Thomas (May 31st, 2018). “Moral Reality and the Empirical Sciences” (Routledge). Price not yet listed

Quinn, Carol Dignity, (February, 2018). “Justice, and the Nazi Data Debate: On Violating the Violated Anew” (Rowman and Littlefield Publishers). $90.00

Rainbolt, Tahlia (April 1st, 2018). “Psychotherapy as Love: Philosophical and Psychoanalytic Approaches” (Routledge). Price not yet listed

Rankin, Aiden (February 26th, 2018). “Jainism and Environmental Philosophy: Karma and the Web of Life” (Routledge). $60.00

Roeser, Sabine and Taebi Benham (April, 2018). “The Ethics of Nuclear Energy” (Oxford University Press). $29.99

Sachs, Benjamin (December 12th, 2017). “Explaining Right and Wrong: A New Moral Pluralism and Its Implications” (Routledge). $140.0

Scalet, Steven (July 1st, 2018). “Markets, Ethics, and Business Ethics: 2nd Edition” (Routledge). Price not yet listed

Scanlon, T.M (February 4th, 2018). “Why Does Inequality Matter?” (Oxford University Press). $25.00

Scheffler, Samuel (May 26th, 2018’). “Why Worry About Future Generations?” (Oxford University Press). $24.95

Scuro, Jennifer (October, 2018). “Addressing Ableism: Philosophical Questions via Disability Studies” (Lexington Books). $105.00

Shelby, Tommie (July, 2018). “Dark Ghettos: Injustice, Dissent, and Reform” (Harvard University Press). $19.95

Spieles, Douglas (December 4th, 2017). “Environmentalism: An Evolutionary Approach” (Routledge) $49.95

Souffrant, Eddy (August, 2018). “Global Development Ethics: A Critique of Global Capitalism” (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers). $39.95

Taddeo, Mariarosaria (July 1st, 2018). “The Ethics of Cyber Conflicts: An Introduction” (Routledge). Price not yet listed

Taylor, Isaac (July, 1st, 2018). “The Ethics of Counterterrorism” (Routledge). Price not yet listed

Tesón, Fernando R. and van der Vossen Bas (November 1st, 2017). “Debating Human Intervention” (Oxford University Press). $99.00

Timmons, Mark (January 9th, 2018). “Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, Vol 7” (Oxford University Press). $35.00

Tremain, Shelly (2017). "Foucault and Feminist Philosophy of Disability" (University of Michigan Press). $75.00

Wellman, Christopher (August 1st, 2017). “Rights Forfeiture and Punishment” (Oxford University Press). $65.00

Winsberg, Eric (June 2018). “Philosophy and Climate Science” (Cambridge University Press). $29.99

Wolcher, Louis (December 4th, 2017) “The Ethics of Justice Without Illusions” (Routledge) $49.95

Yancy, George (October 2nd, 2017). “On Race” (Oxford University Press). $34.95

Zacha, Bernardo (September 2nd, 2018). “When the State Meets the Street” (Harvard University Press). $35.00

Zsolnai, Laszlo (December 12th, 2017). “Ethics, Meaning, and Market Society” (Routledge). $60.00


Journal: Synthese
Issue: Decision Theory and the Future of Artificial Intelligence
Deadline: 15 February, 2018

Journal: Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics
Issue: Miscellaneous
Deadline: 28 February, 2018

Journal: Journal of Philosophical Criticism
Issue: Society and Individual
Deadline: 30 April, 2018

Journal: AnaLize - Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies
Issue: Love
Deadline: 15 May, 2018

Journal: Giornale Critico di Storia delle Idee
Issue: Human Rights
Deadline: 15 June, 2018

Journal: Moral Philosophy and Politics
Issue: Towards Foolproof Democracy: Advancing Public Debate and Political Decision-Making
Deadline: 30 June, 2018

Journal: Arkete
Issue: Being and Evil
Deadline: 30 September, 2018

Journal: Public Affairs Quarterly
Issue: Race and Public Policy
Deadline: 31 December, 2018

Journal: Journal of Hospital Ethics
Issue: Hospital Ethics
Deadline: 1 January, 2018

Books: Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics
Deadline: None


Fellowship: Fellowship in Bioethics
More Information:

Fellowship: Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health
More Information:

Fellowship: Caroline Miles Visiting Scholarship (Only for early career researchers)
More Information:

Fellowship: Center for Biomedical Ethics Research Fellow
More Information:


If you would like to announce a new research project, publication, call for papers, or upcoming conference in a future issue of this newsletter, please contact us at, or you can write to Christopher A. Riddle, The Applied Ethics Institute / Department of Philosophy, Utica College, 1600 Burrstone Rd., Utica, NY 13502, USA. Fax: 315-792-3831.

Special thanks to Benjamin Bosworth for research assistance.

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The Applied Ethics Institute

The Applied Ethics Institute

Utica University
(315) 792-3764
(315) 792-3831 (fax)

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